Two Immigration Programs in Australia

Australia is a beautiful country with many precious plants and animals. Australia is a developed place. Please click real estate sites to know more. On November 24, 2012, the Australian Immigration Bureau implemented the policy that applicants can immigrate to Australia by investing $5 million in Australia. There are no age/English and education requirements, no grading required. And the proof of fund source is not strict. The applicants need only live for 160 days too apply. You can see that the policy of Australia investment immigration is loose. Then, how much does Australia investment immigration. TigerZ property will answer it for you: 1. $5 million investor visa: A $5 million investment is required for a government-designated project. 2. Australia 188 investment immigration visa: The applicant are required $1.5 million to invest in state government bonds for temporary green CARDS. 3. The upcoming 15 million Australian dollar inve...