
Showing posts from September, 2018

Two Immigration Programs in Australia

Australia is a beautiful country with many precious plants and animals. Australia is a developed place. Please click  real estate sites to know more.  On November 24, 2012, the Australian Immigration Bureau implemented the policy that applicants can immigrate to Australia by investing $5 million in Australia. There are no age/English and education requirements, no grading required. And the proof of fund source is not strict. The applicants need only live for 160 days too apply. You can see that the policy of Australia investment immigration is loose. Then, how much does Australia investment immigration.  TigerZ property  will answer it for you: 1.  $5 million investor visa: A $5 million investment is required for a government-designated project. 2.  Australia 188 investment immigration visa: The applicant are required $1.5 million to invest in state government bonds for temporary green CARDS. 3.  The upcoming 15 million Australian dollar inve...

Immigrate to Australia With 188A 188B 188C Visa

(the higher the annual Medicare payments, the more the benefits.) The main Australia's immigration, business immigration is well received, often the top choice for high net worth individuals. Next,  TigerZ real estate  will review with you the investment concepts and basic conditions related to the 188 class immigration of Australia: Business innovation immigration -- 188A Australia 188A business innovation program is also called the "Business Owners Migration", "Entrepreneurial Immigrants". 4 years resident visa is available upon successful application. If the applicant has family assets of over a $800,000 in 4 years, he/she can apply for a 4-year resident visa. For the next four years, if the applicant meets certain business and living conditions within four years, he/she can apply for 888A for permanent residence. Therefore, such visas are more suitable for small and medium-sized business owners. We sell  the house real estate .   Australian in...

Emigrate to Australia without buying a

The <2016 world migration report> was recently released by Internations, the world's authoritative data survey agency. Australia ranked seventh in the overall rankings for its perfect quality of life, climate quality, education quality and career development prospects, surpassing popular countries such as Canada, the United States and Germany.  TigerZ property  will introduce the ways to emigrate to Australia without buying a house for you. Australia is the ideal destination for the citizens of all countries in the world, which is inseparable from its national environment and status. Australia is rich in mineral resources. With the export of agricultural products and minerals, Australia's economy has been developing rapidly. Various financial enterprises have been developed. More and more people are inclined to invest in Australia. It is not hard to imagine that the Immigration to Australia will usher in a new round of good news, triggered an investment boom. Click...

Australian immigration experience----How to do a professional job

Over the years, many Chinese have successfully met the conditions for skilled migration to Australia and migrate here. For a skilled immigrant, the challenges are: how to find a job that suits his/her skills or hobbies and how to get recognized for doing a good job.  TigerZ real estate  will introduce some relevant information for you. I am probably an early Chinese who entered Australia as a skilled migrant and have been working in Australia for a number of years. I can ’ t say that I have a successful career, but I dare to say that I have some experience in how to behave as a new immigrant with professional skills. A few days ago, I wrote two articles on the Australian market, which seemed to get recognition. I ’ d like to share my experience with the young who were considering coming to Australia for professional work. If you want to  buy real estate , please contact us. In this article, the so-called "professional" jobs refer to the white-collar jobs that req...

Conditions for immigration to Australia -

As a popular country outside the United States and the Britain, Australia is equipped with world-class education and beautiful living environment. It also attracted students all over the world by its relaxed policy of studying and immigration. Australian houses , with high cost performance, are another attractive points for immigration. For a long time, the conditions of overseas study and immigration in Australia have always been the focus of students studying in Australia. Most students want to achieve real immigration to Australia through overseas study. So what does it take to emigrate to Australia in 2017? Today,  TigerZ property  will introduce the conditions for the successful emigration to Australia in 2017, making reference to the friends who want to immigrate to Australia. There are  rural properties for sale vic . Minimum requirements for Australia to apply for skilled migration: Complete two years of study in Australia and obtain a certificate (not...

Chinese mothers spend million Australia dollars buying villas to accompany their sons! Just to keep up with the joneses? !

School district houses are hot in Australia and at home On the one hand the investment value is big, on the other hand it can also facilitate buyers ’  life. In Australia, houses near schools are also the heart of every big buyer. Last year, for example, wealthy Asian investors targeted Brisbane real estate. More than a billion Australian dollars have been "contributed" to the overall property of Brisbane. And the main investor is the overseas family, who buy real estate  for children studying in Queensland. A total of 24,115 students from mainland China and Hong Kong enrolled in Queensland university and training schools this year, which has also led to a record level of overseas investment in local real estate, Couriermail reported. Hong Kong investors spent a $97 million on housing and commercial property in the last fiscal year. China's housing spending in Brisbane soared from a $185 million in 2013-14 to a $698 million in 2016-17. More than a q...

Pie in the sky? Buy a quality independent room next to CBD for less than $500,000. Only in Australia can you get the pie.

Buying a home next to the CBD for $500,000 is a fantasy for many buyers It would have been possible many years ago, but now you can only buy a toilet with it. But one place in Australia achieves that. And the house is not a shabby one. It's disappointing, it's not Sydney or Melbourne Just 5.1 kilometers from downtown Perth, the real estate reports, prices are extremely affordable. The median price of a stand-alone house in Glendalough is a $422,000 And the Rivervale district, 5.5 kilometers from downtown, is also a bargain. The median price of a stand-alone house is 495 thousand Australian dollars, all less than 500 thousand Australian dollars. There are  real estate melbourne eastern suburbs . Tuart Hill is about 6.5 kilometers from downtown, with a median price of 485,000 Australian dollars. The median price of an independent house in nearby Osborne Park is a $445,000. The median price of Belmont, 7 kilometers east of downtown, is 45.3 Australian dollar...